Tuesday, April 15, 2008

babies first step...

What a great day!

I woke up.. and literally jumped out of bed. Put some classic Al Green on and got my day started. (note to all "cant get next to you" is the sexiest song i have ever heard) anyway had a load of fresh laundry to choose from which is always a major bonus. Gotto love when mum comes over to visit...she always leaves my apartment smelling like vanilla. She is seriously the best lady ever. Anyway as i closed the door to my house and stepped out onto the pavement the trees kind of parted and the sun started shining. It was 100% 'movie esque' and i actually found myself smiling and walking down the street. lamo i know. but i just had a feeling that things were going to happen today. i wasnt wrong.

So i got to work and found 2 new emails from clients wishing to take out larger advertisments in a magazine im working on right now. Score. I walk into the kitchen and find one last muffin. Score. and to top it all off... the creepy IT nerd that watches everyone when they work and looks like he is constantly picturing you naked or doing nasty ass things is on holidays for 2 whole weeks! double score!

As i mentioned in my first blog.. work is great but getting a little boring and im super keen to move on up. The position of sales Team Leader is now being advertised publicly so today seemed like the perfect day to get my resume in order and go in for the kill. I wrote a kick ass cover letter and printed my resume off in pretty font. yes i do think that matters. i spent 2 hours putting it all together and felt so accomplished by the end. I marched myself down to the HR Managers office and handed it to her. Her response was " Thank you Miss McGaw, i look forward to reading this and meeting with you furhter to discuss your career" GAH. So yes. I did it. I took a first step. I actually did something today that could change my day to day life which makes me feel great and sick at the same time.

After work i had dinner with a new friend. His name is sharkey and he is best friends with a guy i had a thing with at camp back in 2005. Anyway he is a very cool character. We met up a few weeks back for the first time as he was new to Melbourne and i told my friend i'd be happy to hang out with him. Turns out we've become mates and we have the best conversations. he's really into music which is a msssive part of my life and we just walk about travel, bands, careers and all the general stuff. Tonight i introduced him to the world of "cheap china town dumplings" and i think i rocked his world. Around the corner from my office you can be a bowl of amaaaaazing chicken dumplings for $6. The service is ridic and the restaurant looks likes someones living room but i think its why i like it so much. Its not mainstream boring... the waiters yell at you when you ask for cutlery and watching sharkey try to use chop sticks tonight was freaking hilarious. Anyway after dinner we usually walk around the city just talking. good kid.

This leads me onto my seconds major announcement today. In the middle of dinner i got a phone call from the president of the Young Tourism Network. http://www.youngtourismnetwork.com/ I joined this network a few months back to meet people in the tourism industry and to start going to events that might help my career. A month ago they started taking nominations for people to be on the board. These 8 people run the network. Plan events. Represent the network at conferences and basically are just totally kick ass. Me, being the ridiculously person that i am, cant ever just be apart of something. A little person inside me says RUN THE WHOLE THING so i nominated myself and got on the ballot papers. I went to a few friday night drinks to scope out my competition and meet the people in the network and ended up having a blast. met LOADS of amazing young people who are just trying to get noticed in the industry. SO back to the phone call, after 2 weeks of voting... I DID IT! i am now officially a Board Member on the Young Tourism Network. I almost choked on my dumplings when i got the phone call. I called my mum who was driving and got so excited she had to pull over. I called my dad who started shouting to the neighbours and also to my dogs that " Sarah did it, she's on the board" so i couldnt have asked for better reactions.

So that was my day. Im exhausted/excited/happy and a little queezy... but i guess thats just what happens when you eat 15 dumplings....

life = good.

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