Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where to start...

So here i am, writing a blog. I didnt think i was a blog writing kind of gal. But lately there has been so much going on that i honestly feel this might help me work through some things as well as keep my close pals upto date on where im at.
So me.

Name: Sarah Jade McGaw ( Sarah Mac to those lovely Americans)

Age: 22

Location: South Yarra, Melbourne, Australia.

Occupation: Advertising Account Manager

Hobbies: Music, Shopping... i could lie and say i play sports but who would i really be lying to? TV... yes i actually admit it.. lots of my friends always say "yeah i really have no time for TV". i make time. Going to the movies and seeing pointless comedies to escape thought. and eating at fabulous restaurants...and my fabulous i mean cheap and fast like TGI fridays where the waiters are hot and the food is greasy.

Status: Single...yep..single..looking for my very own Ted Moseby ( see 'how i met your mother' )Mood: Generally happy. but extremely ready for adventure...

So the past 5 years of my life since graduating high school have been full of so many highs and lot of mind numbing lows. I finished high school with a very clear vision. It was going to be easy. I was going to have the " omg best summer ever" with my girls and then start uni. I would be finished in 2 years and i would become an event manager and organise lots of amazing celebrity parties. This went smoothly for the first 18 months and i was really enjoying myself. Then my dad got diagnosed with bowel cancer and life became real. Every day was filled with appointments and all of a sudden he was on the operating room table. Life is put into perspective when you come home from the hospital and accidently find a "goodbye my darling daughter" letter on the table that your mother was supposed to put away just incase. After dad started chemo, he fell into a deep depression that saw him house bound for 6 months. This rocked my world because to those who only knew this side, missed out severley. My father, before the treatments, was the most hilarious/kind/outgoing/loving man and father anyone could wish for. A laugh that was infectious and a general happiness that radiated into rooms he wasnt even standing in. After 8 months of sadness and illness...we finally came to the root of all evil. A sleeping pill called Stillnox that has now been proven to cause mental dissability. and its STILL on the market. The moment my father stopped taking those pills... he started coming back to us.
In the middle of all this, i finished my course and decided that at 19, i needed something that was going to change my life. I had heard of a program called Camp America and had always wanted to know more. Before i knew it, i applied, i was accepted and i was a few short months away from getting on a plane to a little place called Cleveland Ohio. All i knew about Cleveland was that Drew Carey lived there and it was the home of the rock n roll hall of fame. Leaving my mum was the hardest thing i have done in my whole life. At 2am the night before my plane was leaving, i officially had a panic attack and was almost taken to hospital. Not that im a particularly nervous kid, but this was the biggest thing i had ever done in my life. But as ive been learning over the past few years, im a lot stronger than i give myself credit for and i hopped on that plane with tears streaming down my face ready for the great unknown.......

my first memory of america was walking through this big doors and seeing a photo of George Bush... and this american family walked past me and the dad made his kids salute the photo. i chuckled to myself and wondered what i was getting myself in for. I had no idea who was picking me up or what i was walking into. I waited for over an hour and no one was there. I burst into tears and finally a huge black woman came and said " child why are you crying" and i explained where i was from and that they must have forgotten to pick me up. She laughed and told me i was in the wrong area and needed to go through the gates. HA. oops. of course i walked through and met someone who would end up being a massive part of my life. Sarah Holloway. But we'll talk more about her later.

the next 8 weeks were a complete blur. i met people from all over the world and made friends people only dream about. I always wonder what sort of person i would be like if i never got on that plane. I wonder if i would have gone back to university and finished my degree... or if i would have just chosen another adventure. Truth is, i think i would be a very bratty,spoilt, sheltered kid. I know i can be those things at times, but camp actually changed who i am, as cliche as that sounds. In life, all i want to do is laugh, dance, take photos, play in the mud and be surrounded by good quality people. Camp IS all of these things for me. i ended up going for 3 years and have enough stories to write a book. maybe one day i will... best seller? probably not, but oh man it would include stories such as my first american kiss in the middle of a field in Ohio, my first joint which led to sleeping UNDER my bed cos my sheets were "creeping me out" falling in love with about 10 different israeli men, sneaking out and pretending i, myself was a camper, meeting girls who i truley believe i am soul mates with, making out on the top of the empire state building and making other choices that you would NEVER do if you werent in a foreign country. The last year for me was the best by far, no boy drama, no girl drama. it was 100% full of love and laughter. 2 of the worlds most important things. There arent really differnt "groups" at camp... but the girls i spent my time with are the people others WISH they knew. These girls are smart, beautiful, funny, kind, naughty, caring, confident and everything i want to be. They know who they are. I miss them every day. and i tell them how much i love them as much as i can. Just wish there wasnt so much space between us. England, America and Israel arent just around the corner...

As for my life here in Australia. Its a good one. im blessed. I have good friends that provide adventures on a saturday night and cuddles on the couch for greys on sunday nights. I have a great job with a Tourism Company called AAA Tourism where i sell advertising space in an accommodation magazine. Im a junior at the company, but i wont be for long if i have anything to do with it. Ive been there for nearly 2 years now and i am SO READY for more responsibility. My boss thinks im too young but im working my ass off for a promotion. They just annnounced that theyre looking for a team leader and im officially applying tomorrow. The girls i work with dont have the drive i do, they dont love sales and i think work for them is just something that fills the time between 9 and 5. And thats great for them, but i want more. I cannot WAIT to be successful. its a big word as success can mean SO many different things. For me, it does mean a few material things.....which i know is superficial but im okay with that. I want a convertable, i want my own expense account, i want to be able to take off to america whenever i have a few weeks off, i want to have clients that know i am the ONLY PR Consultant/Marketing Goddess they should talk to if they want their product to be successful. So im working on that.... The plan right now is to keep working, having fun and travel wherever possible...but January 2010.. im making a move. i dont know where or for what reason but its happening. I'll be 25 and on the move...

I moved out of home :) its weird. i miss my parents but my GOODNESS having my own apartment has changed the game completly. I live in a very trendy part of Melbourne. about 10 minutes from the middle of the city and a 5 minute walk to the best Bars/Restaurants and clubs in Melbourne. I come and go as i please and im just really enjoying my own space.

Having said all of this, i would give everything up to go to camp for the rest of my days. If only life could involve food fights and mud sliding every day hey?



Anonymous said...

Ah! This made me cry about 10 times. I'm linking you immediately so you can share your goodness with the world :) <3

Anonymous said...

a blog>!?! Wow, you're wayyy cooler than me

Sarah Mac said...

who is aaron? amanda help me did i make this public? i dont know what im doing....