Sunday, May 4, 2008

Learning something new every day...

Its May... i cannot believe it...this time last year i was gathering up last minute things for Camp and getting new clothes ready for summer. Instead, i just bought a new winter coat and im sleeping with 2 heavy blakets cos its so freaking cold. I have no immidiate travel plans and all my moolah seems to get going on beer and rent. oh dear.

So the past week was a big one! i work full time and im totally used to it now and i like the stability in knowing how my basic week is planned out. its the extra additions that keep things fun! anyway i learnt a pretty massive lesson at work this week... but let me give the back story first.

At work i am an account manager, i deal with medium level clients and have a medium sized advertising budget i have to reach for every magazine we publish. I like it, im good at my job but i want more! i want bigger clients, which i dont hide from my bosses. The next level above me is the KEY account manager. Bigger clients, bigger budget, more travel ect ect. At the moment i am really good friends with the 2 key accounts. Ann Marie, and Jp. We have lunch together every day and i always ask them for advice on how to handle clients and theyre very good to me. Anyway JP just got promoted to Sales Manager so he's now my boss which is GREAT. anyway this = good news for me as im of course wanting to move up to the key account and start getting serious.

OKAY so this is where i get totally shat on.

Ann marie, although great, has this habbit of asking me to do things for her all the time. She knows ive done a few make up courses so she has asked me to do her make up a few times and i always just go along with it cos we're friends. Then she took it a step further and asked me to do hers and her mothers make up for her brothers wedding...which i did and she didnt even OFFEER to pay or anything. i would have said no, but still. Anyway now its getting out of hand..She asks me almost every day to "run and grab her lunch" or "can you quickly do my hair cos i have a meeting" ect ect. Now here comes the knife to the back. On Friday, i was sitting at my desk and she emailed me saying "ive cleared it with JP, and he said you can have an extra 20 minutes for lunch so you can do my hair for tonight" i sighed... walked over and got started cos im a total sucker. Anyway JP walks into the room and gives me this look that screamed "sarah,what are you doing????" so i walk back to my desk and finished my day. At about 5.30 i walked past my general manager Liz ( who is in charge of the whole company) and she asks me to come in and sit down as she needs to talk about something with me. the first thing Liz says to me is " now im telling you this as your friend, not your general manager, but someone has made an official complaint against you" my heart SANK. apparently JP and Ann Marie had a mini meeting after the day and when JP asked what ann marie thought of the team, she said, and i QUOTE " Sarah is good, but she wastes too much time, always doing peoples hair and messing around with make up" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? i have never been so angry! how dare she! think about it! she is making a complaint against ME for doing something for HER!? which i NEVER want to do, but do it to keep the peace cos we're friends. When i told my GM that ANN MARIE was in fact was the one that always asked me to do things, she was shocked and immidiately deleted the complaint. That night i had a work function, and ann marie followed me around like a bad smell. She knew i knew...

Backtracking a baby bit... Liz also told me that my name is being thrown around for the Key position. But the only thing standing in my way is my age and the fact that ann marie hasnt said positive things about me behind my back. Liz said i have to prove myself and now is the time to do it. So its nice to know i have Lizs support and i am now aware of who my friends are. Its a tough lesson to learn as i assume everyone is my friend and this is just not the case.

In other news, had my house warming last night and had a pretty great time! My apartment is super small so it was pretty cramped BUT all my favourites came and we boogied and danced the night away. My landlord ended up closing the party down at about 2 cos the noise was too much, but it was so nice to just hang out with my buddies and dress up like zoo animals. 2 of these guys came ( uninvited of course) rocked up and they are absolute losers. Anyway they came in SO DRUNK they couldnt even get in the door without falling over. They knocked over 3 wine glasses and spilt red wine all down my couch. My boys ended up kicking them out, but not before they stole a keg of beer and poured beer down my best mates top. Great fellas.

So there you go. This week i am going to be the BEST employee ever. I am going to be on time, keep kicking the budgets ass and when asked to " quickly do something cute" to ann maries hair, im going to smile and keep walking. I am an advertising account manager, not a freaking hair dresser.

OH, and i spoke to my 2 besties in america again. and it SERIOUSLY looks like they are coming to see me in December!!!! i will pass out...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little whore. If she does ask you to do her hair again, you should give her some horrifying hairstyle, flip her off, and walk away. Hah! Anyhoo, you are amazing, and you KNOW you will get that job soon :) Also happening soon? Seeing me! hazza!!